
A (Phoneme) 239ff

Accounts of Rebirth 291

Afflictions 167ff; 208ff; 315

Alaya consciousness 193; 228; 236; 288; 327

Amitabha as Self-Nature 182; 183; 187; 327

Amitabha Sutra 7; 45; 60; 65; 99; 114; 173; 351
-- see also "Meditation Sutra"
-- Longer 9; 70; 100; 224

Anger 149; 310; 315; 323

Attachment 85ff; 94; 260; 275; 285; 307; 312; 314; 316; 328
-- see also "Love-attachment"

Attaining the Way 9; 52; 329

Avatamsaka Sutra 31; 43; 59; 99; 114; 300; 328

Awakening of the Faith (treatise)184; 214; 218; 329

Awakening (to the Way)9; 52; 329

Bardo 50; 114; 330

Beings of the Highest Virtue304; 325

Birth and Death 7ff; 221

Bodhi Mind 29ff; 54ff: 307; 308; 330

Bodhidharma 258

Brahma Net Sutra 156; 300; 330

Budda Nature 271; 330

Buddha Recitation189;331
-- see also "Practice," "Pure Land"
-- according to the Buddhas' intent 11
-- easy practice 233ff
-- essence & practice 181ff
-- goal 78; 189; 315
-- methods 109ff; 116ff
-- Perfect Method 111
-- Samadhi 78; 188
-- & Zen, Tantrism 72

Charity299; 302

Compassion 4; 36

Concentration see "A"

Criticism 151

Cultivation methods 239; 307

Death 272ff; 323

Dedication of merits see "Transference of merits"

Degenerate Age see "Dharma-Ending Age"

Delusion 160ff; 278

Demons 201ff; 247ff; 332

Dharma 301; 305; 333

Dharma-Ending Age10; 52; 223; 271; 333

Dharma Realm 291; 333

Diamond Sutra 82; 84; 93; 114; 185; 186; 196; 334

Discouragement 164ff

Doubts 66ff; 276

Drowsiness 133ff

Dualistic attachments 89ff; 94; 302

Dusts (worldly) 210; 335

Emptiness 85; 91; 94; 336

Energy blockage 63

Enlightenment 29; 30; 328

Existence 91; 94; 313

Expedients 83; 305; 307; 311; 337

Externalists 63-65; 202; 213; 337

Faith 58ff; 306; 313
-- equals Mind 62
-- guidelines 162ff

Fault-finding 154ff

Feeling the body 288; 296; 324

Five Skandas 17ff; 337

Fixed karma 244

Four Narrow Passes 276

Four Realizations 111ff

Four Types of Practice 114ff

Good spiritual advisors281; 300ff; 305; 319; 325; 339

Great Doubt 148; 355

Great Heap Sutra 8; 156; 224

Greed 146ff; 278

Heart Sutra184; 202

Holding the Name see "Oral recitation"

Honen Shonin 4; 305

Hui K'o 268; 320

Illusion 83; 315; 339

Impermanence 227; 308ff

Jodo 4

Karma 316; 320; 339

Karma of killing 260; 289; 324; 325

Ksana 135; 339

Ksitigarbha Sutra 184; 284; 291; 322ff

Lankavatara Sutra88; 94; 202; 340

Last Rites 272ff

Laziness 225ff

Lotus Sutra 92; 114; 340

Love-attachment259; 281; 284ff; 306; 318; 321ff

Lust 141; 259; 315; 318ff

Maitreya 102; 240ff

Maligning monks 301ff

Marks 312ff; 341

Meditation Sutra73; 77; 115; 117; 277; 341; 351

Merit and virtue 306; 341

Milinda (King) 278

Mind 62; 71; 139; 167; 250, 255ff; 264ff, 274; 317; 320, 342
-- see also "One-pointedness of Mind"
-- at time of death 285ff; 321ff

Mind-power 107ff

Mind scattering 133

Narrow passes276; 280

Non-dual method 90; 343

Non-retrogression 112; 306

No-Mind (No-Thought) 77ff; 189; 311

Noumenon168; 179; 186; 305; 343

Novice practitioner 163; 184; 300; 301

One-pointedness of Mind78; 174; 189ff; 230; 344

Oral recitation119ff

Other-power see "Self-power/Other-power"

Paramita 345

Perfect Sudden Method 111

Phenomena 175; 179ff; 343

Platform Sutra 85; 87; 92; 139; 157; 311

Practice 109ff
-- see also "Buddha Recitation"

Prajna Paramita Sutra84; 85; 169; 345

Principle see "Noumenon"

Procrastination 224ff

Provisions for rebirth 97; 272; 291

Pure Land
-- see also "Buddha Recitation"
-- existence 183; 189; 309
-- expedient 83ff; 113; 311
-- novice 163; 183; 300;
-- school 3ff; 27; 111; 346


Residual karma 9

Retreats 173ff

Right and Wrong 151; 154

Sadness 164

Samadhi 128ff

Samantabhadra 199; 324; 346

Samatha-Vipasyana 306; 347

Scattered Mind 236

Self-Nature Amitabha 4; 184; 186ff

Self-power/Other-power69; 71; 74; 76; 278

Settled Mind Buddha Recitation 236

Seven (number) 173

Sexual lust 315; 318ff

Singlemindedness see "One-pointedness of Mind"

Shinran Shonin 8

Sixth Patriarch 85; 87; 94; 301; 312; 347

Skill-in-means 305; 307

Slander 152

Spiritual advisors 281; 339

Su Tung P'o 136

Suffering 14ff; l9ff

Supportive recitation 284ff

Surangama Sutra 9; 121; 216; 348

Sutra 42 Sections 139; 298

Ten Great Vows 349

Ten Grounds (Stages) 349

Ten Recitation Method 232

Three Points of Doubt 276

Three Pure Land Sutras 351

Torpor 133ff

Touching the body 288; 296; 324

Transference of merits 250; 291ff; 303; 324; 352

Truth 184ff

Tushita Heaven 240ff

Vegetarianism289ff; 291; 324

Vilifying monks 301ff

Vimalakirti Sutra 90; 240; 353

Vows 96ff; 278

Wisdom practices 108

Wordless Sutra 140; 314

Worldly dusts 210; 355

Zen 52; 64; 71ff; 79; 186; 234; 258; 268; 306; 355
-- conditions for success 200; 217; 234
-- & Pure Land novice 163: 234