IV. How to Make Use of the Buddhadharma

I have already talked about the truth of the Buddhadharma, so now I would like to talk about how to make use of the Buddhadharma. This is just like the Confucian injunction to make use of what you have learned. If we cannot make use of knowledge, it is not necessary to gain or learn it. Likewise, the same is true about learning the Buddhadharma. The theory of the Buddhadharma is deep and complete, and, thus, it is good and suitable for all people. However, the Buddhadharma is neither philosophy nor science; it is the learning of human life. Also, it is a kind of learning that allows us become highly evolved. Ordinary people who study the Buddhadharma always think that it is frightening to leave the mundane world, and that voidness and non-action are pessimistic views unsuitable for human life. Buddhism is for saving the world and for converting people and all sentient beings. Its purpose is to enter the real world and actively benefit human beings. Once, I met an old gentleman on a boat, who declared to me with a smile, "In the present world, you are better off." I asked him, "Why?" He answered, "You are non-action (Wu Wei)." I answered him immediately, "Sir, you are wrong! We are action; but you are non-action." He thought for a little while but said nothing. Then, I asked, "Sir, do you understand?" A proverb says, "If one does not wear the kasaya (monk's robe) yet and dislikes human affairs too much, then after putting on the kasaya, he will be even more involved in human affairs." If the Buddhadharma is not and has not been good for human beings, then how could Buddhism possibly have more than two thousand five hundred years of history?

All people in the present world have an extreme need for the Buddhadharma because everyone wants equality, democracy and kindness. Let me explain why to you clearly, as follows:

(1) Buddhists promote equality by teaching and converting all sentient beings and seek to benefit all the world without any idea of masters and slaves. To declare that only human beings can become Buddhas is to seek merely in the narrow sense; thus, Buddhists declare that all living beings include all kinds of animals and all other sentient beings that can, sooner or later, become Buddhas. In the Buddhadharma, we can find the following expressions: "Mind, the Buddha, and sentient beings are undifferentiated"; "This mind is the Buddha"; "Buddha is a man, and before he become Buddha he was a sentient being; we are all sentient beings, therefore, we can become Buddhas." There is a Bodhisattva named Never-Disparaging, who looks on all sentient beings as Buddhas. And why? Just because all sentient beings, as well as human beings can become Buddhas! Since everybody has the same Buddha Nature (the enlightened spiritual nature), then everyone can become a Buddha. To learn the Buddhadharma is not a special thing.

Since the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589 C.E.), Buddhism in China has declined; therefore, many Buddhists do not practice seriously. People say, "You learn the Buddhadharma! I have no time to learn it now!" Again, they say, "When I become old, after all my children are grown, then I shall learn the Buddhadharma." Of course, this kind of thinking is not correct! I hope all of you understand that the Buddhadharma is not just to be studied during their leisure time by leisurely people. Buddha means Enlightened One, and to learn Buddhism is to learn how to become an Enlightened One. It is like learning how to become holy and sage, which should be learned by everyone. Learning how to become holy and sage is very important! To learn the Buddhadharma does not mean to live separately from other people. If a Buddhist separates himself or herself from the rest of humanity, then there would be no need for the Buddhadharma in the world. If human beings did not have the Buddhadharma to talk about, they would only talk about food and count up their own and others' treasures. Without people to learn it, the Buddhadharma would be only a castle in the air!

(2) Just how, then, do we make use of the Buddhadharma? The first thing to do is to get rid of the wrong views of leisure, calm, non-action in deep forests and on high mountains and to make use of the Buddhadharma for individual human beings as well as for society as a whole. I would like to urge all of you to learn the Buddhadharma, to make use of it to benefit all people, and to use it to save the world from unstable forces as well as to free all sentient beings from suffering.

(3) Let us now consider the idea of compassion. Compassion is a principle of Buddhism used to benefit the world and all people. This is a fundamental intention of Buddhists and Buddhist practices. The Dharma of the Six Paramitas and the Four All-Embracing Virtues are for the practice and use of all sentient beings. Therefore, all Buddhist action has the idea of compassion as its fundamental intention. If one wants to practice compassion, first he or she should learn the Bodhisattva Doctrine and Path. The purpose of learning the Bodhisattva Doctrine and Path is to give up one's self-centeredness and to benefit others. The intention here is to benefit, with no selfishness whatsoever, all sentient beings. To do otherwise would not express the Bodhisattva spirit completely.

The world needs peace at present, but how can peace be realized in the world? It depends on all the statesmen of the world. If their goals are to realize peace and to save and help all human beings, then they should think about what this really means. A real statesman would use his highest wisdom to discuss with others how to make a strong determination to bring about peace in the world. Then all war would be stopped, and peace throughout the world could be realized. If all the statesmen in the world adopted the correct view and thought about helping all people and making peace throughout the whole world, then the world would quickly make peace. Therefore, I would like to urge all the various kinds of religious people throughout the world to make use of compassion to help bring about peace in the world!

Buddhism in the world is gradually spreading and becoming more influential. There are ever more people who seek out and study the Buddhist doctrine, parts of which are really practical and useful for society. My sincerest hope is that all people will be able to find the truth and understand the Buddhadharma for the benefit of themselves and all others.