VI. Benefit Self, Benefit Others, and Benefit All

Everyone knows that Buddhism is a religion the goal of which is to save human beings and the world. The Buddha often said, "Enlighten yourself, enlighten others and attain complete enlightenment." He also said, "Benefit self and benefit others." Again, he said, "Spread the Dharma to all sentient beings." Finally, he said, "Deliver all sentient beings to nirvana." These great words appeared again and again in many sutras. If Buddhist monks or lay Buddhists do not understand the Buddhadharma, then how can they possibly benefit other sentient beings? From now on we ought to understand clearly that benefiting others is very important. To deliver all sentient beings widely is to benefit others at any time and in any place. Also, we should all understand clearly that to benefit others is benefiting oneself, and that to deliver others is delivering oneself. The great message of the Buddhadharma is that one should not only benefit human beings but also benefit all other living beings. Thus, the Doctrine, as reflected in the sutras says, "Convert all sentient beings after attaining enlightenment." It also says, "Being and non-being all attain perfect wisdom." Finally, it says, "We are one with all sentient beings and all become Buddhas." These great, wonderful views of saving the world are, indeed, remarkable!

The idea of benefiting others and benefiting all shows great compassion. If one has this mind and action, he can attain enlightenment. Therefore, we should clearly understand that human life is meaningful and extraordinary. The great, compassionate mind, totally sympathetic and empathic, shows unqualified love. Although people in the world, in their self-centeredness, are generally lacking in sympathy and compassion, I would like to urge you to have and practice this mind-the mind of sympathy and compassion. This is the way to create all kinds of enterprises to benefit all people. Many people find it difficult to start holding this view and this thought. Ordinary people do not usually want to benefit others. However, if one can generate the mind that tries to do something good to benefit all sentient beings, he or she will no longer be an ordinary person in the world.